I/O Device Configuration
The fieldbus communicator takes over the task of the I/O device in Profinet IO. Selecting the
Pyrometer modules for the process data exchange and defining the time grid is done when
configuring the I/O controller. The configuration and parameter setting of the fieldbus communicator
and Pyrometer modules is based on the device’s GSD file.
GSD File
Under Profinet IO, the features of the devices are described by the manufacturer in form of a GSD file
and made available to the user. The GSD file for the MI3 IO device:
The I/O device is configured in accordance with the physical arrangement of the node (slot oriented).
Module slot 0 contains the fieldbus communicator in its function as station substitute. It does not
deliver process data itself (except its own internal temperature and trigger input state), but provides
the parameters required to perform overall setting of the I/O device.
Slot 1 to max. 8 reflect the physical arrangement of the pyrometer modules that deliver a part of the
process and diagnostics data. All specific information on the relevant module is contained in the
associated GSD file.
Parameter Setting
Setting the parameters of both the fieldbus communicator and the connected pyrometer module is
performed via “record data” sets. All modules allow the diagnostics message to be locked or released.
Once all settings have been made, the I/O device signals that it is ready to send cyclic productive data.