Pulsed output
The output is off by default. When the VCT6 is triggered, it waits for a delay and then
pulses the output. Re-trigger delay is the minimum allowed time from one trigger to
the next. Any triggers that occur too soon after the previous trigger are ignored. The
re-trigger delay is set in multiples of
The delay, pulse width, re- trigger delay
and pulse intensity are all configurable.
Switched output
Switched mode uses the trigger input to switch the output on or off using the
timing of the trigger signal. The output brightness can be varied from 0% to
The VCT6 applies the same duty cycle and pulse width limits as for pulse mode, to
prevent the light being damaged.
Internal trigger timer
An internal timer is available for continuous triggering in pulse mode. The period of
this timer is configurable.
The internal timer is mostly used when synchronising a camera using the
trigger output. Generally, it is not possible to run the light strobe from this timer
while free running the camera. They will not stay synchronised and the images
will have a highly variable intensity.
When this timer is turned on, the light strobe pulse and the trigger output are
both triggered by this timer. External triggers still work. When trouble-
shooting during development, it is sometimes useful to set this timer to give
regular light pulses.