Raypak, Inc.
teMptracker Mod+ overvIeW
seQuences up to 4 fully ModulatInG staGes.
The TempTracker mod+ is the perfect control whenever multiple fully modulating stages are required for hydronic heating applications.
The TempTracker mod+ controls the on/off and the modulation of each stage to maintain precise system set point control.
pId type loGIc
The TempTracker mod+’s control algorithms allow it to look at the rate of change in the system. If the system temperature is changing
quickly, the TempTracker mod+ will react quickly to adjust the modulating stages’ output. If the system temperature changes slowly,
the TempTracker mod+ will make slow and gradual output adjustments. Therefore, the TempTracker mod+ adapts to specific system
requirements and minimizes fluctuations around the set point.
controls 4-20Ma ModulatInG Motors or 0-5 v, 0-10 v, 1-5v, 2-10v ModulatInG Motors
The TempTracker mod+ is designed to accurately control the output from 25% to 100% of modulation for each of these different types
of motors. One TempTracker mod+ can even control a variety of the above different motors.
only one sensor
When Set Point sensor type is selected, the TempTracker mod+ requires only one sensor located in the common output header of all
stages. However, when Reset is selected, an additional Outdoor Sensor is required for Outdoor Reset Ratio input.
dIGItal dIsplay of all systeM settInGs
The TempTracker mod+’s alphanumeric digital display names each system parameter in simple English and shows its precise value. The
easy to follow menu system allows users to quickly make changes to any system setting without having to learn any specialized codes
or keyboard commands.
autoMatIc rotatIon aMonG staGes
Rotating the first stage to be activated on a call for output promotes even wear on each stage. The TempTracker mod+ has three modes
of rotation: Manual, Last On, or Time. The Time rotates the lead stage every selected time period from every hour to every 60 days.
outdoor reset
The TempTracker mod+ has a hydronic outdoor temperature reset function. This allows the TempTracker mod+ to change the set point
based on outdoor temperature. Furthermore, additional settings have been added to fine tune this operation, like Offset, Minimum, and
Maximum Water Temperature and night setback schedule.
standby boIlers
Each of the TempTracker mod+ stages can be configured as a Standby boiler with an adjustable Standby delay. A boiler c
an be used as
a backup during extended large demand periods.
systeM output
In Set Point or Outdoor Reset modes, the System Output will activate whenever the outdoor temperature is below the Outdoor Cutoff
setting. A System Prove input checks the status of components activated by the System output before stages can be activated.
parallel ModulatIon
The TempTracker mod+ uses parallel modulation that can modulate several boilers together as a one large boiler. This mode is useful
for boilers with lower water content, which are usually more efficient at lower firing points.
add up to 16 boIler staGe (optIonal)
As a stand-alone, the TempTracker mod+ is designed to control four modulating boilers. However, it has the capability of expanding its
control to two extension panels each with six boiler stages. Thus, the TempTracker mod+ can control a total of up to 16 boiler stages.