VIEW > System View
System View Screen (view only)
Domestic hot water tank water temp in °C
Only avail if heater is a W type
System Supply
Current system supply water temp in °C
Only avail if heater is a H model
Current target water temp
Displays '_ _' if there is no target temperature
– Ind Supply Indirect flow line water temp in °C
Only avail if Operation Mode para = 3
tN4 or outdoor air sensor S4 temp in °C
Only avail Target Mode para = RSET
DHW Supply
Domestic hot water tank water temp in °C
Only avail if Operation Mode para = 2 or 3
Plant Rate
% firing rate of installation
May differ from firing rate if > 1 heater is
The system view screen also displays the following information for each connected boiler (heater).
Inlet Temp
Inlet water temp in °C
Outlet Temp
Outlet water temp in °C
Delta Temp
Outlet water temp minus inlet water temp in
Temperature rise across the heat exchanger
Firing Rate
% firing rate of individual burner
% modulation level determined by PIM
The ADJUST menu has most of the adjustable parameters that determine heater and system
operation (four others are found in Boiler 1 screen
– Outlet Max, Mass, Post Purge and MOD min %).
Each adjustable parameter has a small bar on top of or beside the parameters value; a green bar
indicates a confirmed (saved) value, whilst a red bar means that the value displayed is different from
the actual saved value.
Note: If changing a parameter value and the SET button is not tapped within 5 seconds, the value will
revert to the previously saved value and the bar will change back to green.
ADJUST menu parameters can only be adjusted/changed when VERSA control board DIP switch 1
is set to ON (up).
Always isolate power before changing DIP switch settings.
Some parameters may or may not be available depending on PIM and VERSA control board DIP
switch settings.