Dangerous AIS target icon
— Example of an AIS target icon that
is dangerous.
AIS context menu
— The AIS context menu is displayed when
an AIS target is selected.
Safe distance ring
— A ring can be displayed which represents
the dangerous target
Safe distance
You can create precise personal bathymetric charts in real time using
Raymarine’s RealBathy™ feature.
RealBathy™ requires compatible LightHouse™ NC2 charts and
a MicroSD card with sufficient free space to record depth and
bathymetry data.
When using RealBathy™, new contour lines are drawn in real time on
the screen based on your transducer’s depth readings. Color shading
is used to reflect depth, with darkest shade signifying the shallowest
area. The sonar data is recorded to the inserted memory card.