• change the route direction by selecting
• add an existing waypoint to the route by selecting
Add waypoint
• change route options, such as route name, route color, route hide
or delete the route by selecting the relevant option from the
pop-over menu.
Route names can be any combination of letters, numbers,
symbols and special characters and can include up to 16
characters. Route names must be unique.
By selecting a waypoint from the route plan you can use the pop-over
menu to:
• change the position of the waypoint in the route by selecting
Move down
• remove the waypoint from the route by selecting
Remove from
• delete the waypoint by selecting
Delete waypoint
• edit the waypoint details by selecting
Edit waypoint
• start to follow the route from the selected waypoints by selecting
Follow from here
4.3 Tracks
Tracks are used to record where you have been. Tracks are made up
of track points that are created at regular time or distance intervals.
You can store up to 15 tracks on your display, each track can contain
up to 10,000 points.
Tracks can be converted into routes so that they can be followed.
Tracks can be imported and exported from the display. For more
information, refer to: