• Axiom Pro S
– 1 x 25 pin connector — connect to transducer adaptor cable A80490, the adaptor cable then
connects to a CPT-S series transducer.
Only CPT-S series transducers can be connected to Axiom Pro S variant MFDs.
2. Transducer extension cables are available.
Adaptor cables are also available that enable connection of different transducers. Refer to
for a list of available adaptor cables.
RealVision™ 3D transducer extension cable
For best performance, cable runs should be kept to a minimum. However, for some installations it
may be necessary to extend the transducer cable.
• 3 m (9.8 ft), 5 m (16.4 ft), and 8 m (26.2 ft) transducer extension cables are available (part numbers:
3 m - A80475, 5 m - A80476, 8 m - A80477).
• It is recommended that a maximum of two cable extensions are used, with the total cable length
not exceeding 18 m (59 ft).
Axiom transducer adaptor cables
The following adaptor cable are available to enable connection of a wider selection of transducers.
Axiom DV adaptor cables
Axiom DV to 7-pin Embedded Transducer Adapter
Axiom DV to 7-pin CP370 Transducer Adapter
Axiom DV to 9-pin DV & 7-Pin Embedded Transducers Y-Cable
Axiom DV to 9-pin DV & 7-Pin CP370 Transducers Y-Cable
Axiom RV adaptor cables
Axiom RV to 7-pin Embedded Transducer Adapter
Axiom RV to 7-pin CP370 Transducer Adapter
Axiom RV to 9-pin DV Transducer Adapter
Axiom RV to 25-pin RV & 7-pin Embedded Transducers Y-Cable
Axiom RV to 25-pin RV & 7-pin CP370 Transducers Y-Cable
Axiom RV to 7-pin Embedded & 9-pin DV Transducers Y-Cable
Axiom RV to 7-pin CP370 & 9-pin DV Transducers Y-Cable
Caution: Transducer cable
• Do NOT use the transducer cable to lift or suspend the transducer; always
support the transducer body directly during installation.
• Do NOT cut, shorten, or splice the transducer cable.
• Do NOT remove the connector.
If the cable is cut, it cannot be repaired. Cutting the cable will also void the