MT5 Multi-Tracer Operating Manual
page 72
10. System Expansion and Configuration
The Multi-Tracer system supports up to 4 loads connected to a single MT5 control unit.
Raydec supplies the Multi-Tracer system pre-configured for the number of load units,
and load configuration ordered. However, in order to add more loads to system, in
addition to connecting the new load, the system
must “learn” about the new loads and
their configuration.
10.1. Connecting a new load
The first step is to connect the new load to one of the unused load ports on the MT5
control unit. This is exactly the same operation as the original setup as described in
section 3.1.4
There is no preference for which load to connect to which load port. Though it will effect
the identification labels associated with the data. Raydec strongly recommends leaving
the existing loads connected to their original load ports and connecting any new loads to
an unused port. Rearranging the loads will re-designate the data ID labels and likely
cause confusion in the data sets. Furthermore, user settings specific to existing load
channels will be lost.
After connecting the new load to the MT5 control unit and turning the new load unit on,
the system configuration must be re-learned as described in the next section.