Ray Flash Rotator Product Manual Download Page 1

Please read these operating instructions thoroughly to ensure proper use of the RAY FLASH ROTATOR.

Reproduction of these operating instructions in any form requires written approval of RAY FLASH s.r.o. 

We reserve all rights to change technical data and product features without prior notice. Not liable for printing errors.

RAY FLASH s.r.o. does not assume any liability for direct or indirect damage or injury resulting from use of this product.

This box contains:

Rotating Unit (in Nikon or Canon version) • All Body bracket • Small & Middle body bracket • Middle (Battery grip) bracket 

• Big body bracket • Body mounting screw • Bracket mounting screw • Ring mounting screw • Instruction booklet

1 Cautions before use


Make sure the camera and flash are powered off before installing the RAY FLASH ROTATOR.


The main component cannot be subjected to strong vibrations as this may damage the unit.


When connecting the remote cable do not pull on it as this may damage the internal connections.


Do not store the unit in areas of high temperature, such as a closed car under direct sunlight.


Keep the unit dry. Don’t immerse it in water, do not use in the rain and do not handle it with wet hands.


Do not use it near flammable gases as this may cause an explosion or fire.


Do not grip the complete camera/flash/rotator assembly by the Rotator, as this may damage the unit.


2 Unit description

The RAY FLASH ROTATOR is available in two different versions, NIKON and CANON.  Both versions are equipped with 

the necessary flash hot shoe mount and camera connections to maintain full automatic functions between camera 

and flash.

3 Mounting instructions

Before  using  the  RAY  FLASH  ROTATOR  assembly  you  must  determine  which  one  of  the  three  provided  mounting 

brackets is right for your camera.  Listed below are the three groups for each camera make.  For camera models not 

found on this list, use the bracket for a model of similar height.


Small & Middle body bracket: EOS400D , EOS450D , EOS500D

Middle (Battery grip) bracket :EOS30D , EOS40D , EOS50D

Big body bracket: EOS1D , EOS1Ds MARK II , EOS1Ds MARK III


Small & Middle body bracket: D5000 , D40 , D50 , D60 

Middle (Battery grip) bracket: D90, D100 , D200 , D300 , D700

Big body bracket: D3 , D3x

4  RAY FLASH ROTATOR  assembly for all small & middle camera bodies.

For this version you need the following  ROTATOR RAY FLASH components:

Rotating Unit (in Nikon or Canon version)

All Body bracket

Small & Middle body bracket

Body mounting screw

Bracket mounting screw

Ring mounting screw

Step 1

 – Attach the All body bracket to the Small and & Middle body backet using the bracket mounting screw.

Step 2 

– Attach the Rotating unit to the Small & Middle body bracket using the ring screw.  Use a coin to tighten.

Step 3

 – Mount camera using the body screw.

For camera and flashgun cable connection see chapter  7

5 RAY FLASH ROTATOR  assembly for middle or small camera bodies with accessory battery grip.

For this version you need the following  ROTATOR RAY FLASH components:

Rotating Unit (in Nikon or Canon version)

All Body bracket

Middle (Battery grip) bracket

Body mounting screw

Bracket mounting screw

Ring mounting screw

Step 1

 – Attach the All body bracket to the Middle (Battery grip) bracket using the mounting screw.

Step 2

 – Attach the Rotating Unit to the Middle (Battery grip) bracket using the ring screw.  Use a coin to tighten.

Step 3

 – Mount camera using the body screw.

For camera and flashgun cable connection see chapter 7

6  RAY FLASH ROTATOR  assembly for all big body cameras.

For this version you need the following  ROTATOR RAY FLASH components: 

Rotating Unit (in Nikon or Canon version)

All Body bracket

Big body bracket

Body mounting screw

Bracket mounting screw

Ring mounting screw

Step 1

 – Attach the All body bracket to the Big body bracket using the mounting screw.

Step 2

 – Attach the Rotating unit to the Big body bracket using the ring screw.  Use a coin to tighten.

Step 3

 – Mount camera using the body screw.

For camera and flashgun cable connection see chapter 7

7   RAY FLASH ROTATOR connection

- Make sure the power is off on both the camera and flash unit.

- Attach the flash unit to the rotator shoe mount and tighten.

- Connect the cable to the hot shoe of the camera and tighten.

- Turn the flash and then the camera to the on position.

8   How to use the RAY FLASH ROTATOR

Once everything is connected you can turn the flash to any desired 

position by simply loosening the locking wheel as shown.  When 

in the desired position simply turn the wheel to lock the flash in 

place.  Fire away!

In  practical  photographic  terms  action 

photographers working in news, sports, weddings 

or  general  photography  will  find  the  RAY  FLASH 

ROTATOR a great tool to work with.

With the RAY FLASH ROTATOR light is always on your side


Product Manual
