Company Confidential
Raveon Technologies Corp.
CC x
Set/Read Cap Code.
Two parameters, CC x yyyy
x= 1,2 or 3 which is the cap code number.
yyyy is the pager code 1
– 2097152. -1 to disable the
particular cap code.
Enter “CC” to see a list of all pager cap
CC 1 12345
CC 2 -1
CC 3 -1
Promiscuous Mode.
Enable/disable promiscuous mode.
0 = off, 1 = ON (receive all paging messages).
0 or 1
Pager Data Rate.
Parameter is 512, 1200, or 2400
512, 1200, 2400
5.4. Factory Default Settings
RV-M8S-xx (Transceiver)
For the UHF M8S, model RV-M8S-UC, the main factory defaults are:
General Settings
Primary Protocol: (ATMT 0) ............................... Packet Data
Alternate Protocol: (ATMA 3) ............................ POCSAG
WMX (WMX 0) .................................................. OFF
Paging Settings
Over-the-air paging baud rate: .......................... 512 baud
Alternate protocol (pin 15 = 1) ........................... POCSAG 512
Paging data format (DF) .................................... Auto detect
Paging Cap Code 1 (CC 1 279001) .................. 279001
Data Modem Settings:
Over-the-air data modem baud rate: ................. 4800 baud, 2-level
Serial port .......................................................... 9600baud, N/8/1
Hardware flow control ....................................... Off
RF Power Output .............................................. 100% (2watts)
Channel number selected ................................. 1
ID (ATMY) ......................................................... 1234
Address Mask (ATMK) ...................................... FFFF
Ch 1 .................. 462.2125 MHz
RV-M8R-xx (Receive Only)
For the UHF M8R receiver, model RV-M8R-xx, the main factory defaults are:
General Settings
Primary Protocol: (ATMT 0) ............................... Packet Data
Alternate Protocol: (ATMA 3) ............................ POCSAG
Channel number selected ................................. 1
WMX (WMX 0) .................................................. OFF
Paging Settings
Over-the-air paging baud rate: .......................... 512 baud