M7 GX Technical Manual
Raveon Technologies Corp.
Statistic Read – Returns numeric values, comma separated, of all
statistics as described in the ST command.
Run time display
ATST Command
The ATST command, will return the following information:
Good RX Packets : nnn
(packets received over the air with no bit-errors and correct address)
With Bad CRCs : nnn
(over-the-air packets with bit errors that were discarded)
With Bad Noise : nnn
(receptions that were aborted due to noise, CW jamming, lost signal…)
Bytes received : nnn
(number of bytes this modem received, and sent out its serial port)
Bytes transmitted: nnn
(number of bytes this modem received via the serial port, and transmitted
over the air)
Packets send : nnn
(number of packets this modem has transmitted over the air.
Retransmissions in the ARQ mode are not counted)
ACKs received : nnn
(Number of ACK packets this modem received, when ARQ was enabled)
ACKs transmitted : nnn
(Number of ACK packets sent over-the-air in the ARQ mode)
Pkts last minute : nnn
(Number of packets received during the last minute)
UART errors : nnn
(serial port framing and overrun errors. Usually these are caused by
incorrect serial port settings)
If there is a hardware problem, there may be one ore more hardware error
messages listing the error types (
CPU Exceptions, OS Rebooted, or
Fatal OS failures
). Consult the factory if any of these messages ever
ATST1 Command (GPS Statistics)
The ATST 1 command, will return various information regarding the operation of the GPS features
in the
ATST2 Command
The ATST2 command, will return additional lower-level statistics:
RF FIFO overruns : nnn
(number of times the modem was too busy to receive data over-the-air)
Wrong address : nnn
(packets with addresses intended for some other unit. Also will count
apparent false packets due to random noise)
Duplicate packets: nnn
(number of packets discarded because they already were received, and
subsequently re-received due to ARQ mode or a repeater)
Missing ACKs : nnn
(number of transmissions in ARQ mode, where this sending RV-M7 did not
receive an ACK back as it expected to)
TX FIFO overflows: nnn
(number of bytes of data that came into the RV-M7 over-the-air, and there
because there was no buffer space for the data, were discarded. If greater
than 0, the serial-port baud-rate should in increased. )
RX FIFO overflows: nnn
(number of bytes of data came into the RV-M7’s serial port, and there was
no room in the RV-M7 to buffer the data before transmission, so these
bytes were discarded. If greater than 0, flow-control should be enabled,
hardware flow-control implemented, or the serial-port baud rate reduced.)
OS loop time : nnn
(number of times OS executes, per baud. Typical 10-200. 0 or >5000
means there is a serious OS problem).
OS Speed : nnn
(speed of the main Operating System, in Hz. Typical 8000-30000. )