Manual No. 016-0130-076 Rev. C
Chapter 5
Node Diagnostics
The AutoBoom
control node features several light-emitting diodes (LEDs) which may be used to diagnose
issues with the AutoBoom system.
If the LEDs are not illuminated as outlined in the figure below, or are all on continuously, check the
CANbus connections and the AutoBoom harness connections to the node. If the issue persists,
contact a local Raven dealer for additional technical support.
CAN Control LEDs
Logic Power - Lit when +12 V current is
supplied to the node.
HC (High Current) Power - Lit when high
current power is supplied to the node.
Micro 1 Hz - Flashes once every second
during processor activity.
CAN Rx - Flashes to indicate CAN messages
are being received by the node.
CAN Tx - Flashes to indicate CAN messages
are being transmitted from the node.
Diag (Diagnostics) 1 - Lit when the left, inner
sensor is detected on a dual-sensor
UltraGlide system.
Diag (Diagnostics) 2 - Lit when the right,
inner sensor is detected on a dual-sensor
UltraGlide system.