Start RаngeVisiоn SсаnCenter
Run Rangevision ScanCenter. You may need administrator rights to do this. Turned on projector and
cameras must be connected in advance.
At the first start you will encounter a window, where you have to select the configuration settings of
the scanner. After starting the program this menu item is available in
Adjustment – Configuration.
In the tab
Acer smart.
On the cameras tab you should select model XS (determined
If all settings are correct, after starting the program will appear a window with a warning regarding the
warm-up cameras. Caution! Warming-up cameras is required for the stable operation of the scanner.
Otherwise, errors can occur during the scanning and calibration procedures.
The warm-up time depends on the temperature in the room, the approximate working temperature of
cameras is about 50
After warm-up you should see an image from the cameras.
The current
temperature of the cameras after the warm-up is displayed in the
Check the correctness of cameras positioning, for example, by covering one of them with your hand. If
the image from one camera belongs to the other one or is reversed, go to the
Cameras tab
and select
Swap cameras.