Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Traces, channels, and diagram areas
Like in manual control, traces can be assigned to a channel and displayed in diagram
areas (see section Traces, Channels and Diagram Areas in Chapter 3). There are two
main differences between manual and remote control:
A trace can be created without being displayed on the screen.
A channel must not necessarily contain a trace. Channel and trace configurations
are independent of each other.
The following frequently used commands create and delete traces, channels, and dia-
gram areas:
Create new trace and new channel
(if channel
does not exist yet)
'<Trace Name>'
'< Meas Parameter>
Delete trace
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DELete '<Trace
Create or delete channel
CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>[:STATe] ON | OFF
Create or delete diagram area
Display trace in diagram area
The assignment between traces, channels, and diagram areas is defined via numeric
suffixes as illustrated in the following example:
CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'S11'
Create channel 4 (channel suffix 4) and a trace named "Ch4Tr1" to measure the input
reflection coefficient S11. The trace is created but not displayed.
Create diagram area no. 2 (window suffix 2).
Display the generated trace (identified by its name "Ch4Tr1") in diagram area no. 2
(window suffix 2), assigning the trace number 9 (trace suffix 9) to it.
Active traces in remote control
In manual control there is always exactly one active trace, irrespective of the number of
channels and traces defined. The "active channel" contains the active trace; see
In remote control, each channel contains an active trace (unless the channel contains
no trace at all). This principle actually simplifies the remote control command syntax,
because it allows the active trace in a particular channel to be referenced by means of
the channel suffix. No additional trace identifier is needed; there is no need either to
distinguish channel and trace settings using mnemonics or suffixes.
VNA remote control basics