VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
The Attenuation is a two-port standard which is fully matched in both directions (the
reflection factor at both ports is zero). No load and offset parameters need to be
Load parameters and standard types
Load parameters are used to describe all types of standards except a Through, a Slid-
ing Match, a Line, and an Attenuation.
The Through standard is a through-connection between two ports with minimum
loss which is taken into account by the offset parameters.
The Sliding Match is a one-port standard with variable load parameters (sliding
load), so there is no fixed load model.
The Line standard is a line of variable length with minimum loss which is taken into
account by the offset parameters.
The Attenuation is a two-port standard which is fully matched in both directions (the
reflection factor at both ports is zero). No load and offset parameters need to be
Cal kit parameter types
The analyzer uses three types of parameters to describe the calibration standards. The
parameter type is the same for all standards in a kit and therefore appended to the kit
parameters (no suffix) describe calibration kit models with highly stand-
ardized components so that the parameters are valid for all calibration kits of the
parameters (suffix "typical") approximately describe a calibration kit model.
To correct for deviations between the standards, each kit of the model is individu-
ally measured and delivered with an additional, kit-specific parameter set. There-
fore each typical parameter set "<kit_name> typical" is complemented by an addi-
tional parameter set "<kit_name>" containing optimized parameters for an individ-
ual kit.
parameters (suffix "Ideal Kit") describe an idealized calibration kit for each
connector type; see below.
Make sure to use universal or individual parameter sets if you need to obtain high-pre-
cision results. The precision of the calibration kit parameters determines the accuracy
of the system error correction and of the measurements. The R&S
ZNL/ZNLE displays
a warning if you use a typical or ideal parameter set to calibrate a channel.
Calibration kits can be obtained as network analyzer accessories; refer to the data
sheet for the relevant ordering information. The name of all parameter sets is equal to
the name of the corresponding calibration kit model.
Ideal parameters
All ideal kits contain the standards listed below.