Network and remote settings
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
SCPI (standard commands for programmable instru-
SCPI commands - messages - are used for remote control. Commands that are not
taken from the SCPI standard follow the SCPI syntax rules. The R&S
ports the SCPI version 1999. The SCPI standard is based on standard IEEE 488.2 and
aims at the standardization of device-specific commands, error handling and the status
registers. The tutorial "Automatic Measurement Control - A tutorial on SCPI and IEEE
488.2" from John M. Pieper (R&S order number 0002.3536.00) offers detailed informa-
tion on concepts and definitions of SCPI.
Tables provide a fast overview of the bit assignment in the status registers. The tables
are supplemented by a comprehensive description of the status registers.
VISA libraries
VISA is a standardized software interface library providing input and output functions to
communicate with instruments. The I/O channel (LAN or TCP/IP etc.) is selected at ini-
tialization time by one of the following:
The channel–specific address string ("VISA resource string") indicated in
An appropriately defined VISA alias (short name).
A VISA installation is a prerequisite for remote control using the following interfaces:
Chapter 8.1.2, "GPIB interface (IEC 625/IEEE 418 bus interface)"
Chapter 8.1.1, "LAN interface"
For more information about VISA, refer to the user documentation.
Network and remote control settings
: [SETUP] > "N Remote"
The remote commands required to define these settings are described in
ter, "Configuring the network and remote control"
Step-by-step instructions are provided in
Chapter 8.5, "How to set up a network and
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Returning to manual mode ("local")
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Network and remote control settings