Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
// Bandpass search ref. to max.
// Measure single sweep, wait until complete sweep is finished
:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF
:INITiate; *WAI;
:CALCulate1:MARKer:FUNCtion:EXECute BFILter
// All markers OFF
// Bandpass search ref. to marker
:CALCulate1:MARKer1:STATe ON
:CALCulate1:MARKer1:X 3.0 GHz
:CALCulate1:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDth:MODE BPRMarker
:INITiate; *WAI;
:CALCulate1:MARKer:FUNCtion:EXECute BFILter
// Bandstop search ref. to max.
:INITiate; *WAI;
:CALCulate1:MARKer:FUNCtion:EXECute BFILter
// Bandstop search ref. to marker
:CALCulate1:MARKer1:STATe ON
:CALCulate1:MARKer1:X 1.7 GHz
:CALCulate1:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDth:MODE BsRMarker
:CALCulate1:MARKer:FUNCtion:BWIDth:MODE? %BsRM
:INITiate; *WAI;
:CALCulate1:MARKer:FUNCtion:EXECute BFILter
Creating diagrams
In the following example, remote control commands are used to position several dia-
grams on the screen. The remote control commands presented here extend the func-
tionality of the "Display > Diagram" and "Display > Split" softtool tabs.
// Reset the analyzer
// Define and display a simple horizontal layout (two diagrams side by side)
:DISPlay:LAYout:DEFine 1, Horizontal, '1.00,0.30,0.70'
:DISPlay:LAYout:APPLy 1
VNA programming examples