GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9557.02 ─ 13
If the target is not found (e.g. because the active trace doesn't contain the target value),
then the active marker is not moved away from its original position.
Remote command:
Marker > Bandfilter Search
The "Bandfilter Search" functions search for trace segments with a bandpass or bandstop
shape and determine characteristic filter parameters.
Background information
Refer to
Bandfilter search mode can be used for a broad range of measured quantities (TRACE
> MEAS), provided that the display format is dB Mag. To obtain real filter parameters, the
measured quantity must be a transmission S-parameter and a frequency sweep must be
performed. For other quantities (e.g reflection parameters), the "Bandfilter Search" func-
tions are still useful to analyze general trace properties. In some display formats (e.g.
"Phase") the bandfilter search is disabled.
TRACE > MARKER key or Alt + Shift + G
Many of the "Bandfilter Search" functions are equal to the corresponding "Marker
Search" functions. Refer to the following sections:
chapter, "Search Range (Dialog)"
Trace Settings