Satellite's Constellation
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Remote command:
on page 213
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
8.2 Satellites Settings
1. Select "GNSS > Simulation Configuration" >
In the "Satellite" dialog, you configure the satellites (SV ID) constellation for each
enabled GNSS system.
2. In the "Satellites" dialog, select the GNSS system for that you want to configure
satellites constellation.
3. To configure individual settings per SV, like power offset, used signals and the con-
tent of the navigation message each satellites transmitts, select "SV# > SV Config".
For description, see
Chapter 9, "Space Vehicle Configuration"
In the "Satellite" dialog, you configure the satellite constellation.
Figure 8-1: Satellites constellation: Understanding the displayed information
1 = Enabled GNSS systems
2 = Number of active and available SVs per GNSS system
3 = Visible and active SV, that uses reduced power level
4 = Visible and active SV, full power level
5 = Visible and inactive SV (
"Satellite's Constellation, SV ID"
6 = Not visible and inactive SV
7 = Excluded from the constellation (
= "Off")
Satellites Settings