User Environment Files
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
See also
Chapter A.1.6, "Calculating the Maximum Time Duration of a Movement File"
A.1.2 Vector Trajectory File Format
In the vector trajectory file format, motion is defined in an East North plane which is
tangent to earth at the specified reference point. The curvature of the Earth is not con-
sidered in the interpretation of the
Up (U)
coordinate elements when moving east or
The vector trajectory file format is suitable for description of city motion where the cur-
vature of the earth is negligible. This file format is not intended for long-distance simu-
lations where the curvature of the earth is significant.
This file format uses a script containing the commands defined in the following table:
REFERENCE: lon, Lat, alt
Specifies the Cartesian Reference of the ENU coordinates system.
Given as a geodetic WGS84 point (longitude, Latitude, Altitude).
START: E ,N, U, Velocity
Start location is the initial "current location" in the ENU Cartesian coor-
dinate of center
. East, North and UP (ENU) coordinates
are then provided (m). The last argument is the start velocity in (m/s).
ARC: E, N, Angle
Specifies a 2-Dimensional ARC (East, North) with the first two argu-
ments representing the center of the ARC (m) in the Cartesian basis.
The last argument specifies the angle in degrees (°) of the Arc Starting
the "current location". Angle sign is significant because it indicates pos-
itive direction (counterclockwise) or negative direction (clockwise).
The end edge of the arc represents the new "current location". Velocity
does not change when using an ARC command.
LINE: ∆E, ∆N,
Specifies a 2-dimensional line form the current location or first edge
(Current loc E, Current loc N)
to the next location or second
(Current loc E + ∆E, Current loc N + ∆N)
The argument
specifies a constant acceleration/decel-
eration, where
Acceleration = 0
indicates constant velocity. Unit
for acceleration is (m/s2).
The second edge is used as the current location for the next command.
The speed at this second edge is also used as the start speed for the
next command.
Movement or Motion Files