Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1407.0806.32 ─ 21
5.3.2 RF Frequency
The value of the RF frequency is displayed in the header of the display ("Freq"). This
field provides the direct input of the RF frequency. Alternatively, you can enter the RF
frequency in the "Frequency/Phase" dialog.
Note that the displayed RF frequency in the header, and the RF output frequency,
entered in the "Frequency/Phase" dialog can be different, as explained in the following
RF Frequency vs. RF Output Frequency
If you are working with a downstream instrument, e.g. a mixer or a frequency multiplier,
you can enter the related parameter value in the frequency settings dialog ("Offset",
The generator includes these parameters and displays the result in the "Freq" field in
the status bar, as if the downstream instrument and the generator were one unit. This
displayed frequency corresponds to the value at the RF output of the downstream
instrument. However, the frequency provided at the RF output of the signal generator
corresponds to the frequency value set in the "Frequency/Phase" dialog.
The instrument activates the "Freq Offset" icon in the status bar, when a frequency off-
set or multiplication factor is set.
The correlation between the RF frequency, the RF output frequency and the frequency
offset is as follows:
"Freq" (in header) = "RF output frequency" (Frequency in dialog) * "Multiplier" factor
(Multiplier in dialog) + "Freq offset" (Offset in dialog)
If you have the R&S
SMB equipped with one of the microwave frequency options
SMB-B112, -B120, or -B140, you can, in addition, operate an R&S SMZxx fre-
quency multiplier.
xx represents the multiplier type that you can use according to the target frequency
RF Block