General Instrument Functions
User Manual 1178.3834.02 ─ 03
"Recall Setup"
Load a setup for quick access to the user-defined settings
"Open Dialog, with Position and Size/append to SCPI"
Quick access to the selected dialog.
Use the "Open Dialog, append to SCPI" function to define a
sequence of several dialogs to be opened simultaneously or one after
the other.
to add a delay between the
subsequent commands.
Depending on the selected "Wizard", provides access to:
The standard "File Select" function for loading of an SCPI script or setup file
A list of the dialog IDs of all currently opened dialogs. The dialog ID is used for dia-
log identification in the remote control.
For the currently selected action, displays the corresponding SCPI command with the
associated parameter for dialog identification (dialog ID). The automatically displayed
SCPIs are enabled for subsequent modification.
Remote command:
See also
Add, Change, Remove
Standard functions for managing of the actions.
Select Action to Execute > Define Action
Accesses the "Define User Key Actions" dialog.
10.2.3 Assigning Actions to the User Key
1. Open the dialog for that you are creating a quick access.
Organizing Frequently Used Items as Favorites