Understanding the R&S SGMA-GUI Software
User Manual 1176.8674.02 ─ 07
Ref. Oscillator Source/Ext Ref On/Off
Determines whether the internal built-in oscillator (TXCO or OXCO) is used as a refer-
ence source or if an external reference is used.
The internal reference oscillator OCXO requires the additional option R&S SGT-B1.
To feed in an external instrument reference, use the input connector REF/LO IN. To
output the reference frequency at the output REF/LO OUT, select "SGMA-GUI >
Instrument Name > RF > Ref. Oscillator > REF/LO Output > REF".
The internal reference signal of 10 MHz is used.
An external reference signal is used. The frequency of the external
reference signal must be selected with the parameter "SGMA-GUI >
Instrument Name > RF > Ref. Oscillator > Ex. Ref. Input Frequency".
Remote command:
LO Scr Ext
This icon indicates that the internal local oscillator is switched off.
6.4 Block Diagram
The block diagram, available for setting up the R&S SGT, shows provided options, sig-
nal configuration and the currently selected signal flow of the generator with inputs and
outputs used. Signal generation can be operated from the block diagram.
To display the block diagram, click the button next to the instrument's name.
6.4.1 Function Blocks in the Block Diagram
Each block represents a function of signal generation. The function is indicated in the
headline of the block. In the checkbox, the respective function can be quickly activated/
deactivated. After activation, the block is displayed in blue. Status information is dis-
played below the checkbox. It is different for the different blocks.
Example: Baseband block
In this block, the arbitrary waveform generation and trigger, marker and clock are set.
Block Diagram