Signal Generator Settings
User Manual 1176.8674.02 ─ 07
Selects between the internal "Pulse Generator", or an "External" pulse signal for the
modulation. In the later case, the instrument expects the pulse modulation signals at
the USER 2 connector.
Remote command:
Sets the polarity of the active slope of the modulation signal for "Source > External".
Remote command:
External Impedance
Selects the input impedance for an external pulse modulation signal.
Remote command:
Pulse Generator Settings
► To access the pulse connector/trigger settings, select "SGMA-GUI > Instrument
Name > RF > Pulse Modulation > Connector/Trigger".
Comprises the settings necessary to configure the internal pulse modulation signal.
Pulse Mode
Sets the operating mode of the pulse generator.
Generates a single pulse in one pulse period
Generates two pulses in one pulse period.
Remote command:
Pulse Period
Sets the repetition rate of the generated pulse signal.
RF Settings