Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Remote command:
Decode layer
Selects the decode layer.
Decoding is performed in several steps, and the end results are presented in the
decode table. The decode layer selects an interim step for which the decoding result is
shown in the honeycomb display.
Configuring custom Manchester / NRZ signals
For configuration, assign the lines to the input channels, define the active states and
the logical thresholds, and specify frame format descriptions.
Serial bus setup
1. Press the [Bus] key on the front panel.
2. Select the tab of the bus you want to set up, for example "SB1".
3. In the "Setup" tab, select the protocol: "Custom".
4. Switch to the "Trigger" tab, tap "Source" and select "Serial bus".
This prevents using digital waveforms (Math and Reference) as channel signals.
For triggering on a custom serial bus, analog input channels are required.
5. Switch back to the "Decode" tab.
6. Tap "Coding Standard" and select the coding ("Manchester", "Manchester II", "NRZ
Clocked", or "NRZ Unclocked") you want to set up.
7. Select the polarity and phase of the data signal (and potentially of the clock signal).
8. Set the logical thresholds. See
9. Enable "Decode".
10. Switch to the "Format" tab and open or create frame format descriptions.
For details on configuration settings, see
Chapter, "Custom: Manchester /
Custom: Manchester / NRZ (option R&S