User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Signal level
Defines the computation method for high and low signal levels. The instrument ana-
lyzes the signal, performs amplitude and histogram measurements, and defines the
signal levels using the selected method.
The selected method is used to compute the signal levels for determination of refer-
ence levels in automatic reference level mode. It is also used for high, low, and ampli-
tude measurements in automatic and manual reference level modes.
See also:
Chapter 8.2.8, "Histograms and histogram measurements"
"Auto select absolute probability"
The most suitable signal levels for the selected measurement are
"Peak probability"
The signal levels with the highest probability values are used.
These are the upper peak value and the lower peak value of the
histogram measurement.
"Mean probability"
The signal levels with mean probabilities are used.
"Absolute peak"
The absolute peak signal levels are used. These are the maxi-
mum and minimum signal values of the amplitude measurement.
"Upper absolute peak - Lower mean
The high signal level is the upper absolute peak (the maximum
signal level), and the low signal level is the level with the mean
probability in the lower half of the histogram.
"Upper mean probability - Lower abso-
lute peak"
The high signal level is the level with mean probability in the
upper half of the histogram, and the low signal level is the lower
absolute peak (the minimum signal level).
"Upper absolute peak - Lower manual"
The high signal level is the maximum result value of the ampli-
tude measurement. The low signal level is manually set using
"Upper manual - Lower absolute peak"
The high signal level is set manually using "High". The low signal
level is the minimum result value of the amplitude measurement.
Remote command:
Level definition
In manual reference level mode, the setting defines whether the reference is config-
ured using absolute or relative values.
Remote command:
User level
In manual reference level mode, the setting defines whether the user-defined signal
levels or user-defined reference levels are used for the measurements.
You can define the high and low signal levels.
You can define the reference levels.
Remote command:
Automatic measurements