User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
5. Tap the "Use gate" icon to enable the gate usage.
The measurement is performed on the selected part of the waveform. The gate is
shown in the diagram.
Gate settings for measurements
Access: [Measure] > "Gate" tab
Result display settings are described in
Chapter, "Display settings for results"
Use gate
Considers the gating settings for the selected measurement and displays the gate.
Remote command:
Apply to all meas
If you enable the gate coupling, the gate settings of the selected measurement are
copied to all other measurements. Thus, all measurements use the same gate. If zoom
or cursor coupling is active in a measurement, the zoom size and cursor positions are
Remote command:
Gate description
Defines whether the gate settings are configured using absolute or relative values.
The gate is defined by absolute start and stop values.
Automatic measurements