Operating Concepts
User Manual 1177.5079.02 ─ 10
b) Select "Zero > Select > A" (channel short name).
Zeroing takes several seconds. During zeroing, a message shows the pro-
gress. After completion, the message reports either success or an error ("Suc-
cess" / "Failed").
4. Switch on the test signal of the signal source.
5. To start a continuous measurement, select "Measure > Continuous".
The "Continuous" measurement window appears. It shows the measurement
results numerically, and the control panel for accessing further dialogs with param-
eters for measurement, evaluation and display.
For a detailed description on how to measure in this setup, refer to the operating man-
ual of the R&S NRPV.
R&S Power Viewer
The R&S Power Viewer is software that simplifies many measurement tasks. It is provi-
ded on your documentation CD-ROM and on the Rohde & Schwarz website as a sepa-
rate standalone installation package.
R&S Power Viewer