User Manual 1173.9240.02 ─ 23
Trigger Offset
Defines the time offset between the trigger event and the start of the sweep.
Offset > 0:
Start of the sweep is delayed
Offset < 0:
Sweep starts earlier (pretrigger)
For the "Time" trigger source, this function is not available.
Remote command:
Defines the distance in dB to the trigger level that the trigger source must exceed
before a trigger event occurs. Setting a hysteresis avoids unwanted trigger events
caused by noise oscillation around the trigger level.
This setting is only available for "IF Power" trigger sources. The range of the value is
between 3 dB and 50 dB with a step width of 1 dB.
When using the optional 2
GHz bandwidth extension (R&S
FSW-B2000) with an IF
power trigger, the hysteresis refers to the robust width trigger.
(For details see the R&S
FSW I/Q Analyzer and I/Q Input User Manual.)
Remote command:
Drop-Out Time
Defines the time the input signal must stay below the trigger level before triggering
For input from the optional Analog Baseband Interface using the baseband
power trigger (BBP), the default drop out time is set to 100
ns. This avoids uninten-
tional trigger events (as no hysteresis can be configured in this case).
When using the optional 2
GHz bandwidth extension (R&S
FSW-B2000) with an IF
power trigger, the drop-out time defines the width of the robust width trigger. By default
it is set to 1
s. For external triggers, no drop-out time is available when using the
B2000 option.
(For details, see the R&S
FSW I/Q Analyzer and I/Q Input User Manual.)
Remote command:
If the selected trigger source is "IF Power" or
, you can configure the cou-
pling of the external trigger to the oscilloscope.
This setting is only available if the optional 2
GHz bandwidth extension is active
"DC 50
Direct connection with 50
termination, passes both DC and AC
components of the trigger signal.
"DC 1 M
Direct connection with 1
termination, passes both DC and AC
components of the trigger signal.
Trigger Configuration