Network and Remote Operation
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
"File Upload" uploads files to the instrument.
Chapter 13.6.5, "How to Control the R&S
FSV/A via the Web Browser Inter-
"License Manager"
"License Manager" allows you to install or uninstall license keys and to acti-
vate, register or unregister licenses.
"Glossary" explains terms related to the LXI standard.
"www.rohde-schwarz.com" opens the Rohde & Schwarz home page.
GPIB Interface (IEC 625/IEEE 418 Bus Interface)
A GPIB interface is integrated on the rear panel of the instrument.
By connecting a PC to the R&S
FSV/A via the GPIB connection you can send remote
commands to control and operate the instrument.
To be able to control the instrument via the GPIB bus, the instrument and the controller
must be linked by a GPIB bus cable. A GPIB bus card, the card drivers and the pro-
gram libraries for the programming language used must be provided in the controller.
The controller must address the instrument with the GPIB bus address (see
ter, "How to Change the GPIB Instrument Address"
on page 717). You can
set the GPIB address and the ID response string. The GPIB language is set as SCPI
by default and cannot be changed for the R&S
Notes and Conditions
In connection with the GPIB interface, note the following:
Up to 15 instruments can be connected
The total cable length is restricted to a maximum of 15 m or 2 m times the number
of devices, whichever is less; the cable length between two instruments should not
exceed 2 m.
A wired "OR"-connection is used if several instruments are connected in parallel.
Any connected IEC-bus cables should be terminated by an instrument or controller.
GPIB Interface Messages
Interface messages are transmitted to the instrument on the data lines, with the atten-
tion line (ATN) being active (LOW). They are used for communication between the con-
troller and the instrument and can only be sent by a computer which has the function of
a GPIB bus controller. GPIB interface messages can be further subdivided into:
Universal commands
: act on all instruments connected to the GPIB bus without
previous addressing
Addressed commands
: only act on instruments previously addressed as listeners
The following figure provides an overview of the available communication lines used by
the GPIB interface.
Remote Control Basics