Applications, Measurement Channels
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
The Sequencer Concept
The instrument can only activate one specific channel at any time. Thus, only one
measurement can be performed at any time, namely the one in the currently active
channel. However, in order to perform the configured measurements consecutively, a
Sequencer function is provided, which changes the channel of the instrument as
required. If activated, the measurements configured in the currently defined "Channel"
s are performed one after the other in the order of the tabs.
For each individual measurement, the sweep count is considered. Thus, each mea-
surement may consist of several sweeps. The currently active measurement is indica-
ted by a symbol in the tab label.
The result displays of the individual channels are updated in the tabs as the measure-
ments are performed. Sequential operation itself is independent of the currently
Sequencer modes
Three different Sequencer modes are available:
Single Sequence
Similar to single sweep mode; each measurement is performed once, until all mea-
surements in all defined "Channel" s have been performed.
Continuous Sequence
Similar to continuous sweep mode; the measurements in each defined "Channel"
are performed one after the other, repeatedly, in the same order, until sequential
operation is stopped. This is the default Sequencer mode.
Channel-defined Sequence
First, a single sequence is performed. Then, only "Channel" s in continuous sweep
mode are repeated continuously.
Running a Sequence of Measurements