FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
Remote command:
Sweep/Average Count
Defines the number of sweeps to be performed in the single sweep mode. Values from
0 to 200000 are allowed. If the values 0 or 1 are set, one sweep is performed.
The sweep count is applied to all the traces in all diagrams.
If the trace modes "Average" , "Max Hold" or "Min Hold" are set, this value also deter-
mines the number of averaging or maximum search procedures.
In continuous sweep mode, if "Sweep Count" = 0 (default), averaging is performed
over 10 sweeps. For "Sweep Count" =1, no averaging, maxhold or minhold operations
are performed.
Remote command:
Continuous Sweep / Run Cont
After triggering, starts the sweep and repeats it continuously until stopped. This is the
default setting.
After triggering, starts the measurement and repeats it continuously until stopped.
While the measurement is running, the "Continuous Sweep" softkey and the [RUN
CONT] key are highlighted. The running measurement can be aborted by selecting the
highlighted softkey or key again. The results are not deleted until a new measurement
is started.
Sequencer. If the Sequencer is active, the "Continuous Sweep" softkey only con-
trols the sweep mode for the currently selected channel. However, the sweep mode
only takes effect the next time the Sequencer activates that channel, and only for a
channel-defined sequence. In this case, a channel in continuous sweep mode is swept
If the Sequencer is active in MSRT mode, the "Continuous Sweep" function does not
start data capturing. It merely affects trace averaging over multiple sequences. In this
case, trace averaging is performed.
Furthermore, the [RUN CONT] key controls the Sequencer, not individual sweeps.
[RUN CONT] starts the Sequencer in continuous mode.
Remote command:
Single Sweep / Run Single
After triggering, starts the number of sweeps set in "Sweep Count". The measurement
stops after the defined number of sweeps has been performed.
While the measurement is running, the "Single Sweep" softkey and the [RUN SINGLE]
key are highlighted. The running measurement can be aborted by selecting the high-
lighted softkey or key again.
Sequencer. If the Sequencer is active, the "Single Sweep" softkey only controls
the sweep mode for the currently selected channel. However, the sweep mode only
takes effect the next time the Sequencer activates that channel, and only for a chan-
Data Acquisition and Bandwidth Settings