Instrument Functions for Bluetooth Measurements (K8)
Operating Manual 1176.7610.02 ─ 02
Meas Time Manual
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the measurement time. The valid value range is 1
to (400001 / points per symbol)
This function is not available for Spurious Emissions measurements.
Remote command:
Meas Time Auto
Activates the automatic calculation of the measurement time. The automatic sweep
time corresponds to the settings defined in the RF Test Specification. By default, the
automatic sweep time calculation is activated.
This function is not available for Spurious Emissions measurements.
Remote command:
Sweep Count
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the number of sweeps to be performed in the single
sweep mode. Values from 0 to 32767 are allowed. If the values 0 or 1 are set, one
sweep is performed. The sweep count is applied to all the traces in a diagram.
If the trace configurations "Average", "Max Hold" or "Min Hold" are set, the sweep
count value also determines the number of averaging or maximum search procedures.
In continuous sweep mode, if sweep count = 0 (default), averaging is performed over
10 sweeps. For sweep count =1, no averaging, maxhold or minhold operations are per-
Remote command:
Power Avg Start (Output Power)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the start position of the evaluation area for the aver-
age burst power. The values range is from 0 to 100%, the default setting is 20%.
For further information refer to
chapter 2, "Introduction to Bluetooth Measurements
Remote command:
Power Avg Stop (Output Power)
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the stop position of the evaluation area for the aver-
age burst power. The values range from 0 to 100%, the default setting is 80%.
For further information refer to
chapter 2, "Introduction to Bluetooth Measurements
Remote command:
Softkeys of the Sweep Menu (Bluetooth mode)