Getting Started
User Manual 1179.4363.02 ─ 01
4. If required, you can turn this area on and off as required with the "XCORR Gain
Indicator" feature.
Miscellaneous Evaluation Tools
Zooming into the results
The zoom tool is useful if you want to see parts of the results in more detail.
1. Select the "Zoom" icon in the toolbar ( ).
2. In the diagram, select the area you want to zoom in to (while doing this, the area is
marked by a dotted line).
3. You can return to the full display any time with the "Unzoom" icon in the toolbar
( ).
Labeling traces
Labeling traces with a short keyword is a good way to distinguish traces and see
immediately what the trace actually represents.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog box.
2. Select the vertical "Traces" tab and the horizontal "Trace Label" tab.
3. Turn on the trace label for a certain trace and define a string of text as a label.
The application adds a label to the trace. The color of the label is the same as the
trace color.
You can move trace labels around via drag and drop.
Exporting measurement data
Exporting measurement data to a .dat file allows you to archive that data in external
programs like a spreadsheet.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog box.
2. Select the vertical "Traces" tab and the horizontal "Trace / Data Export" tab.
3. Select the data types as required (trace data only or together with numerical results
and / or measurement settings).
4. Select the "Export to ASCII File" button and select the destination where you want
to save that data.
5. View the .dat file that has been created with your preferred program.
Trying Out the Instrument