Remote commands for Multi CISPR APD measurements
User Manual 1179.0880.02 ─ 03
If a command can be used for setting or querying only, or if it initiates an event, the
usage is stated explicitly.
Parameter usage
If not specified otherwise, a parameter can be used to set a value and it is the
result of a query.
Parameters required only for setting are indicated as
Setting parameters
Parameters required only to refine a query are indicated as
Query parameters
Parameters that are only returned as the result of a query are indicated as
Commands that are taken from the SCPI standard are indicated as
SCPI con-
. All commands used by the R&S
ESW follow the SCPI syntax rules.
Asynchronous commands
A command which does not automatically finish executing before the next com-
mand starts executing (overlapping command) is indicated as an
Reset values (*RST)
Default parameter values that are used directly after resetting the instrument (
command) are indicated as
values, if available.
Default unit
The default unit is used for numeric values if no other unit is provided with the
Manual operation
If the result of a remote command can also be achieved in manual operation, a link
to the description is inserted.
Long and short form
The keywords have a long and a short form. You can use either the long or the short
form, but no other abbreviations of the keywords.
The short form is emphasized in uppercase letters. Note however, that this emphasis
only serves the purpose to distinguish the short from the long form in the manual. For
the instrument, the case does not matter.
is the same as
Numeric suffixes
Some keywords have a numeric suffix if the command can be applied to multiple
instances of an object. In that case, the suffix selects a particular instance (e.g. a mea-
surement window).
Numeric suffixes are indicated by angular brackets (<n>) next to the keyword.
If you do not quote a suffix for keywords that support one, a 1 is assumed.