Preparing for Use
Getting Started 1328.4922.02 ─ 06
Risk of network failure
Consult your network administrator before performing the following tasks:
Connecting the instrument to the network
Configuring the network
Changing IP addresses
Exchanging hardware
Errors can affect the entire network.
► To establish a non-dedicated network connection, connect a commercial
RJ-45 cable to one of the LAN ports.
To establish a dedicated connection, connect a (crossover) RJ-45 cable
between the instrument and a single PC.
If the instrument is connected to the LAN, Windows automatically detects the net-
work connection and activates the required drivers.
The network card can be operated with a 1 GBit Ethernet IEEE 802.3u interface.
Assigning the IP Address
Depending on the network capacities, the TCP/IP address information for the
instrument can be obtained in different ways.
If the network supports dynamic TCP/IP configuration using the Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP), all address information can be assigned auto-
If the network does not support DHCP, or if the instrument is set to use alter-
nate TCP/IP configuration, the addresses must be set manually.
By default, the instrument is configured to use dynamic TCP/IP configuration and
obtain all address information automatically. This means that it is safe to establish
a physical connection to the LAN without any previous instrument configuration.
Setting Up a Network (LAN) Connection