Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Left Limit ← Time Domain Power
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value for line 1.
Remote command:
Right Limit ← Time Domain Power
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value for line 2.
Remote command:
Performing EMI Measurements
The R&S
ESR features EMI measurement functionality in Spectrum mode. This func-
tionality is suitable for measurements according to EMS standards.
The EMI functionality is integrated into the measurement and marker functions that are
available in Spectrum mode.
Measurement Background
EMI measurements can be very time-consuming, especially if weighting detectors are
required by the standard. In addition, EMC standards specify various procedures to
locate local EMI maxima. Such procedures include movements of an absorbing clamp,
variations in the height of the test antenna or the rotation of the DUT.
Covering all test setups with one of the (slow) EMI weighting detectors over the
required frequency range would lead to unacceptable measurement times.
Splitting the measurement procedure into several stages eliminates this problem.
The first stage, or peak search, is used to get a rough idea about the location of peak
powers that may indicate interference over the required frequency range. You can use
a detector that allows for a fast sweep time, e.g. the peak detector.
During the second stage, or final evaluation, the analyzer performs the actual EMC
test, with detectors designed for and required by EMC standards. To keep measure-
ment times brief, the analyzer measures only those frequencies you have marked with
markers or delta markers. You can assign a different detector to every marker and thus
test a particular frequency easily for compliance.
Selecting a Detector
For more information on EMI detectors see
Selecting the Measurement Bandwidth
For more information on the measurement bandwidth in EMI test setups see
ter 5.2.1, "Measurement Bandwidth"