Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
This measurement is not available in zero span.
The measurement is performed on the trace with marker 1. In order to evaluate
another trace, marker 1 must be placed on another trace (see the
key in the "Marker" menu).
Remote command:
% Power Bandwidth (span > 0) ← OBW
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the percentage of total power in the displayed fre-
quency range which defines the occupied bandwidth. Values from 10% to 99.9% are
Remote command:
Channel Bandwidth (span > 0) ← OBW
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the channel bandwidth for the transmission channel.
The specified channel bandwidth is used for optimization of the test parameters (for
details see
"Optimized Settings for CP/ACLR Test Parameters"
default setting is 14 kHz.
For measurements in line with a specific transmission standard, the bandwidth speci-
fied by the standard for the transmission channel must be entered.
Remote command:
Adjust Ref Lvl (span > 0) ← OBW
Adjusts the reference level to the measured total power of the signal. the softkey is
activated after the first sweep with active measurement of the occupied bandwidth has
been completed and the total power of the signal is thus known.
Adjusting the reference level ensures that the signal path will not be overloaded and
the dynamic range not limited by too low a reference level. Since the measurement
bandwidth for channel power measurements is significantly lower than the signal band-
width, the signal path may be overloaded although the trace is distinctly below the ref-
erence level. If the measured channel power is equal to the reference level, the signal
path cannot be overloaded.
Remote command:
Adjust Settings ← OBW
Automatically optimizes all instrument settings for the selected channel configuration
(channel bandwidth, channel spacing) within a specific frequency range (channel band-
width). The adjustment is carried out only once. If necessary, the instrument settings
can be changed later.