GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
If a trace is hidden, then its marker and bandfilter search info is also hidden in the "Info
Info Window Configuration dialog
The "Info Window Configuration" dialog allows you to select the markers and
results to be displayed in the
> "Configuration..."
Use the "Info Field" combo box to select a marker or bandfilter search info field whose
contents you want to display in parts or in total. It contains all info fields of the current
recall set that are currently not displayed in the info table (see
Content Selection
The lower part of the "Info Window Configuration" dialog allows you to pick the con-
tents of the selected info field you want to display in the
For marker info fields, use the "Add" and "Remove" buttons to show/hide the selected
marker in the "Info Window".
Figure 5-61: Content selection: marker info fields
info fields simply pick the results to be displayed.
Display softtool