GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
It is possible to define search ranges for each recall set and assign them to the corre-
sponding markers and the reference marker.
Select Marker
Selects the reference marker or one of the numbered markers that can be assigned to
the trace. If a numbered marker does not exist, it is created when "On" is checked. A
created marker is displayed in the center of the search range.
Search Range
Selects the "Search Range" to be assigned to the selected marker. "Full Span" means
that the "Search Range" is equal to the sweep range. Besides, it is possible to store up
to 10 customized search ranges.
The "Search Range"s are bordered by the "Start" and "Stop" values. "Start" must be
smaller than "Stop", otherwise the second value is automatically adjusted.
"Search Range" properties
The 10 search ranges are valid for the entire recall set. Each of them can be assigned
to any marker in the recall set, irrespective of the trace and channel that the marker
belongs to.
The default search range of any new marker is "Full Span". The analyzer provides the
greatest flexibility in defining search ranges. In particular, two search ranges can over-
lap or even be identical. The search is confined to the part of the search range that
belongs to the sweep range.
The following example shows how "Search Range"s can be used to search a trace for
several local maxima.
Marker softtool