GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
the straight line between points A and B. The flatness is the difference between the
largest and the smallest response value of this difference trace.
Remote command:
Power Ratio
Activates the noise power ratio statistics for spectrum traces.
This checkbox is only available if the
ZNA-K1 is instal-
led. It is only enabled if the active channel is in spectrum analysis mode.
Remote command:
Compr. Point / Compr. Val.
Displays or hides all results related to the x dB (or x degrees) compression point of the
trace, where x is the selected compression value. To obtain valid compression point
results, a power sweep must be active, and the trace format must be dB or phase.
For dB traces, the x dB compression point of an S parameter or ratio is defined as the
stimulus level where the response value has dropped by x dB compared to the
response value at small stimulus signal levels ("small signal value"). For phase traces,
the x degree compression point of an S parameter or ratio is defined as the stimulus
level where the phase value has dropped by x° compared to the phase value at small
stimulus signal levels. By default, the analyzer uses the value at the "First Point" of the
selected evaluation range ("Evaluation Range...") as an approximation for the small
signal value. However, you may also choose a different
The compression point is a measure for the upper edge of the linearity range of a DUT.
It is close to the highest input signal level for which the DUT shows a linear response,
so that the magnitude of all S-parameters remains constant).
Traces softtool