Getting Started
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Observe the instructions for startup and shutdown in
Windows operating system
The analyzer is equipped with a Windows
operating system which has been config-
ured according to the instrument's features and needs. Changes in the system configu-
ration can be necessary to:
Establish a LAN connection
Customize the properties of the external accessories connected to the analyzer
Call up additional software tools
Modifications of the operating system
The operating system is adapted to the network analyzer. To avoid impairment of
instrument functions, only change the settings described in this manual. Existing soft-
ware must be modified only with update software released by Rohde & Schwarz. Like-
wise, only programs authorized by Rohde & Schwarz for use on the instrument must
be executed.
All necessary settings can be accessed from the Windows "Start" menu, in particular
from the "Control Panel". To open the "Start" menu, press the Windows key in the tool-
bar or on an external keyboard.
User accounts and password protection
The analyzer uses a user name and password as credentials for remote access. Two
user accounts with different levels of access are available on the instrument:
"instrument" is the default account with standard rights to change system settings.
Use this account for normal operation of the analyzer.
"Admin" is the account for administering the operating system. This account is
required, for instance, if you wish to install programs on the analyzer.
In the factory configuration, "894129" is preset as a password for both users. To protect
the analyzer from unauthorized access, it is recommended to change the preset pass-
To switch from one user account to another, log off from Windows and then log on
again. The "switch user" functionality is disabled on the R&S
Service packs and updates
Microsoft regularly creates security updates and other patches to protect Windows-
based operating systems. They are released through the Microsoft Update website and
associated update server. Update instruments using Windows regularly, especially
instruments that connect to a network.
Preparing for use