Command reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Sets or queries a channel-dependent eight-bit binary value to control eight independent
output signals at the USER PORT connector (lines 8, 9, 10, 11 and lines 16, 17, 18,
19). The output signals are 3.3 V TTL signals which can be used to differentiate
between up to 255 independent analyzer states.
does not change the analyzer state.
Channel bit definition and activation
The channel bits have the following properties:
After a
of the analyzer all channel bits (including the value for the active,
sweeping channel no. 1) are set to zero; no signal is applied to pins 8 to 11 and 16
to 19 of the USER PORT connector.
The value defined with
is assigned to channel no.
The signals at the USER PORT connector reflect the channel bits of the
channel, i.e. the channel for which the analyzer performs a sweep. This chan-
nel is not necessarily identical with the active channel.
The signals are switched on as soon as a measurement (sweep) in a channel with
non-zero channel bits is started. They are changed whenever a channel with differ-
ent channel bits becomes the measuring channel.
The signals at the USER PORT connector are maintained after the analyzer enters
the hold state. This happens if all channels use single sweep mode and if all sweep
sequences have been terminated.
Pins 16 to 19 may be reserved for monitoring the drive ports 1 to 4 of the analyzer
) . This leaves up to 16 different monitored
channel states.
You can use the active channel number as a parameter for
and monitor the activity of up to 255 different chan-
nels at the USER PORT connector; see example below. You can also use the USER
PORT output signals as channel-dependent (or drive port-dependent) trigger signals
for external devices. Furthermore you can use
transfer the eight bit value in decimal representation.
Channel number
Binary value. The values correspond to the following states of
the USER PORT connector:
#B00000000 - no signal at any of the eight pins 8, 9, 10, 11, 16,
17, 18, 19
#B00000001 - output signal at pin 8
#B00000010 - output signal at pin 9
#B00000011 - output signal at pins 8 and 9
#B11111111 - output signal at pins 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19
SCPI command reference