Getting Started
User Manual 1179.4363.02 ─ 01
: Automatic signal search is only available in phase noise measurements.
How to define the capture range for the signal search
The capture range represents the frequency bandwidth with which a signal is
searched, and, if found, tracked.
normal capture range
is recommended for measurements on stable (or slowly drift-
ing) DUTs. A
wide capture range
is recommended for DUTs whose frequency drifts
over greater distances. In the latter case, a normal capture range would probably result
in a scenario, where the signal drifts out of the capture range, and has to be searched
again (which would slow down the measurement considerably).
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Frequency" dialog box.
2. Select an appropriate "Capture Range" for your DUT.
: This feature is only available in phase noise measurements.
How to define a carrier frequency manually
When you already know the frequency of the carrier signal, you can define it manually
and reduce the measurement time.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Frequency" dialog box.
2. Turn off the "Auto Search" feature.
3. Define the "Signal Frequency".
The application performs the measurement on the defined frequency.
Half Decade Configuration Table
How to work with the half decade configuration table
The half decade configuration table contains the measurement configuration for each
half decade that is analyzed during a measurement.
You can either enter the values for the measurement bandwidth and number of cross-
correlation operations directly. Or you can let the application calculate ideal values for
each half decade.
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog
2. Select automatic or manual configuration mode with the "Half Decade Config" fea-
3. In case of an
automatic configuration
, define an "RBW" factor and an "XCORR
From these values, the application calculates the best and least time-consuming
absolute resolution bandwidth and cross-correlation operations for each half dec-
Trying Out the Instrument