Getting Started
User Manual 1179.4363.02 ─ 01
The dropdown menu contains all filters currently available on the hard disk of the
When you apply the weighting filter, the results are automatically corrected by the
filter characteristics.
If you do not have a filter yet, or want to change filter characteristics for an existing
filter, design one or change one.
More information:
Cross-Correlation Gain Indicator
How to control the cross-correlation gain indicator (gray area)
The gray trace, or cross-correlation gain indicator, indicates the ideal position of the
measurement trace for the current number of cross-correlation operations. Thus, the
position of this area depends on the number of cross-correlations that are currently
applied in each half decade.
This in turn indicates that measurement traces that are close to the gray area (even if
only in places) can be improved by increasing the cross-correlation operations. On the
other hand, when the measurement trace lies above the gray area throughout (about
dB), it is not possible to improve the results any more.
More information:
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box, and from there, enter the "Noise Config" dialog
2. Select the "Noise Config" tab.
3. Change the "XCORR Factor", run a single measurement, and see how the position
of the gray area changes.
Figure 3-8: Increasing XCORR operations changes shape of gray area
Trying Out the Instrument