Command reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
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<Type>, <TestPort>[,
<SecondPortOrAdapter>[, <Dispersion>[, <DelayTimePhase>]]]
Starts the acquisition of measurement data for the selected standard and port(s). The
standards are reflection or transmission standards and can be connected to arbitrary
analyzer ports.
The calibration measurement has a variable timeout:
Timeout = (Sweep time /
Number of sweep points) * 3 + 0.1 s
The timeout may be reached e.g. while the measurement waits for the specified
trigger event. It is used for all standard measurements including power calibration
For a sliding match, the R&S
ZNB/ZNBT can acquire measurement data for up to
20 positions per port. Multiple calls of
[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:SELected SLIDe,
for the same test port, implicitly increases the position until position
20 has been recorded. Subsequent calls will start over at position 1, overwriting the
previously acquired data.
Channel number of the calibrated channel
Setting parameters:
THRough | OPEN | SHORt | OSHort | OSHort1 | OSHort2 |
OSHort3 | MATCh | NET | ATT | REFL | SLIDe | ISOLation |
LINE | LINe1 | LINe2 | LINe3 | UTHRough | POWer
Standard types: Through, Open, Short, Match, Symmetric Net-
work (NET), Attenuation (ATT), Reflect, Sliding Match (SLIDe),
Line1 (LINE1 and LINE are synonymous), Line2 and Line3 (esp.
for TRL calibration), Offset Short 1 to 3 (OSHort), Unknown
Through, power meter (for SMARTerCal).
is not a physical standard: to measure the isolation
(supported for transmission normalization and TOSM only!) it is
recommended to suitably terminate the related test ports (e.g.
with 50 Ω loads).
Test port number.
For a transmission standard or an adapter that is used as a
"through", the input and output port numbers must be specified.
For reflection standards, only one port number is required.
SCPI command reference