ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Control System Installation & Troubleshooting Guide
ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Controller
ESP-LXD 2-Wire Decoder Controller
The ESP-LXD has a standard capacity of 50 stations and is expandable to 125 or 200 stations
increments using the ESPLXD-SM75 75-station modules.
ESPLXD-M50 2-Wire Decoder Module
Included with every ESP-LXD is the ESPLXD-M50 2-Wire Decoder and Flow Smart Module, a “double-
wide” module which snaps onto two adjacent mounts on the controller backplane. The ESPLXD-M50
Module includes the lugs for attachment of the two-wire path cables.
FloWatch™ logs flow and quickly identifies and isolates high or low flow situations, such
as mainline breaks. Manages up to five (5) Points of Connection each through separate or
combined Master Valves and FloZones – See Appendix for various configurations.
FloManager™ Manages flow demand and ensures you don’t overtax your water supply. Finds
combinations of stations to operate simultaneously to use all available capacity from the water
ESPLXD-SM75 75-Station Expansion Module
Adds an additional 75 stations in the ESP-LXD and snaps onto the controller backplane. One
ESPLXD-SM75 module increases the station capacity to 125 stations and two increases the station
capacity to 200 stations.
ESP-LXD Controller Option Cartridges
PBC-LXD Programming Backup Cartridge
Backup and restore programming for up to eight ESP-LXD Decoder Controllers.
Option: Attach a barcode scanning pen (sold separately) and scan the peel-off barcode labels
from the Programming Chart included with the controller. Your decoder addresses are entered
for you automatically saving you time. MS100-2 Barcode Scanning Pen - Unitech www.ute.com
ETC-LX ET Manager™ Cartridge
The Rain Bird ET Manager Cartridge easily upgrades the ESP-LXD Controller to an ET/Weather-based
irrigation smart controller. Available in most part of North America only, and requires a signal
provider for your geographic area.
IQ Central Control Compatible
Through the incorporation of an IQ-NCC Communication Cartridge, the ESP-LXD controller can
be controlled from the Rain Bird IQ™ Central Control System. Communication options:
Wi-Fi, and
RS-232 (RS-232 used for Radio or Direct