Penetration-free Rafter Center Locator
User’s Guide
patent pending
The RafterEye RE1 is designed to help rooftop workers locate the centers of
structural members (rafters or trusses) quickly and accurately with no need to
drill probing holes through the roof deck. It facilitates attachment to exposed
or accessible structural members in all non-ferrous roof types. The RE1’s mag-
netic field can be read with accuracy at distances up to 5”, allowing precision
placement even when up to 4” of insulation are present. Approximate loca-
tion can occur through distances up to 9”.
The RE1 works by forming a symmetrical magnetic field around and through
an accessible rafter that can be read from the rooftop, directly indicating the
center of the rafter.
The RE1’s clamp can accommodate rafters up to 11.25” in depth or up to 7.25”
in width (up to four sistered 2x rafters, for example). Oversized or non-square
structural members can be accommodated by removal and manual holding of
the magnet blocks.
Climbing on ladders, working in confined spaces and accessing
and working on a roof are hazardous activities. This tool should be used only
by people trained and experienced in workplace safety compliance, including
fall protection, personal protective equipment use and other applicable hazard
mitigation practices.
Always use caution when drilling or fastening through a roof
deck or other surface that may contain visible or hidden pipes or wiring.
The magnetic field within several inches of the RE1’s Magnet
blocks is powerful. Keep sensitive electronic devices away from Magnet blocks.
Some medical devices including pacemakers may be sensitive to
strong magnetic fields. People with a pacemaker or other sensitive medical
implant or device should consult their physician before handling the RE1’s
Magnet blocks.
Do not disassemble Magnet blocks. Magnetic properties of inter-
nal components may cause injury if allowed to come into direct contact with a
person or animal.
Keep all tool components out of reach of children.