RAELink3 Mesh or RAELink3 HOST Configuration
1. Hold down [MODE] and [N/-] to enter Programming Mode
(no password is required).
2. Navigate to Op Mode by pressing [N/-].
3. Set the Op Mode to Host.
4. Set the Network ID so that Host and Remote (and Repeater, if
necessary) are the same.
RAELink3 Mesh REMOTE Configuration
Configure communications with Host:
1. Hold down [MODE] and [N/-] to enter Programming Mode
(no password is required).
2. Navigate to Op Mode by pressing [N/-].
3. Set the Op Mode to Remote.
4. Set Network ID to match Host (and Repeater, if necessary).
Configure cable communications with instrument:
1. Hold down [MODE] and [N/-] to enter Programming Mode
(no password is required).
2. Navigate to Op Mode by pressing [N/-].
3. Select the correct cable type.
Use this chart to guide you in choosing the correct setting:
ToxiRAE Pro Series Mesh radio
No setting necessary
MultiRAE Series
Mesh radio
No setting necessary
MiniRAE 2000
MultiRAE Plus
ppbRAE Plus
Simplified connection rules:
ToxiRAE Pro series and MultiRAE Series use mesh radio
wireless connection.
All other products use Cable.
If the name of the product is not listed in the submenu, then
you must use Bypass.
The only exception is the QRAE Plus, which requires
Cable = RAE PTP.
Configure wireless communications with instrument(s):
1. Enter Programming Mode. A password is required
(default is 0000).
2. Navigate to Op Mode.
3. Set PAN ID to match wirelessly connected instrument(s).
4. Set Channel to match wirelessly connected instrument(s).
MultiRAE Wireless Configuration
1. Enter Programming Mode. A password is required (default is 0000).
2. Navigate to Wireless.
3. Turn the radio ON.
4. Set the PAN ID to match the RAELink3 Mesh’s PAN ID.
5. Set the Channel number to match the RAELink3 Mesh’s Channel number.
5a. To automatically find the channel of the corresponding RAELink3
Mesh with the same PAN ID as the MultiRAE, choose “Join Network.”
ProRAE Guardian Configuration
1. Start PC
2. Launch ProRAE Guardian
3. Under the "Command Center" tab click on "Data
4. Within the PTM tab configure the following
a. "Serial Port" : Choose the last option in drop down
b. "Unit IDs" : Make sure the Unit ID of the RAELink3
Mesh Remote units is selected
c. "Poll Master Interval(s)" : this setting determines
how often the host modem will poll the remote
RAELink3 Mesh modems
NOTE: "Timeout (ms)" and "Max Retries" settings are
recommended to be set default values of '600' and'3'
5. Hit 'Start'
As the instruments are discovered, they should show
up in the list in the Devices Information Pane, as well
as in the Device List pane. The Google Map (or other
map in use) should show the locations of instruments
with active GPS.
ToxiRAE Pro Wireless Configuration
1. Enter Programming Mode. A password is required (default is 0000).
2. Select Monitor Setup.
3. Select Wireless.
4. Turn the radio ON.
5. Set the 3-digit PAN ID to match the RAELink3 Mesh in Remote mode.
6. Set the Channel to match the RAELink3 Mesh in Remote mode.
6a. To automatically find the channel of the corresponding RAELink3
Mesh with same PAN ID as the ToxiRAE Pro choose "Join Network."
7. Use the default value for Interval. If you want to change the reporting
interval, consult the User’s Guide.
8. You may set the Off Network Alarm, if you want to be notified if the
instrument goes off network or if the network is shut off.
9. Ignore Factory Reset.
10. Exit the Wireless submenu.
RAE Systems Inc.
3775 North First St., San Jose, CA 95134-1708 USA www.raesystems.com Phone: 408-952-8200 Technical Support:
Rev. A
P/N: 029-4515-000