Model 2018 Operations Manual Rev Apr 2020 Page
of 41
FYA 1-4 Uses Yellow
: If any of channels 1 through 4 will be a parent (the protected display) channel
for a Flashing Yellow Arrow head, this is feature is used to select which driver from the child (the
permissive display) channel will be used to make up the four sections of the Flashing Yellow Arrow
head. ON (checked) indicates that the Yellow of the child channel will be used. OFF (unchecked)
indicates that the Green of the child channel will be used. This setting can only be modified through
the RaeComM software.
FYA 5-18 Uses Yellow
: If any of channels 5 through 18 will be a parent (the protected display)
channel for a Flashing Yellow Arrow head, this is feature is used to select which driver from the child
(the permissive display) channel will be used to make up the four sections of the Flashing Yellow
Arrow head. ON (checked) indicates that the Yellow of the child channel will be used. OFF
(unchecked) indicates that the Green of the child channel will be used. This setting can only be
modified through the RaeComM software.
FYA Childs
: When a child channel is selected, the monitor will determine if the child is permissive or
conflicting with the parent channel based on the Program Card. If permissive, the child will have a
green border or a yellow border based on the setting of FYA 1-4 Uses Yellow and FYA 5-18 Uses
Yellow. If conflicting, the child will have a red border. These settings can only be modified through
the RaeComM software.
The testing defaults for these features should be: FYA Enable set to OFF, FYA Ignore Yellow Conflict set to OFF,
FYA 1-4 Uses Yellow set to OFF, FYA 5-18 Uses Yellow set to OFF, and all FYA Childs disabled.
Operations Modified:
Conflict Monitoring
: Normal conflict testing checks active Green and Yellow displays for being
permissive. With FYA Enable set to yes and FYA Ignore Yellow Conflict set to yes, the monitor will
ignore a Yellow-Yellow conflict between a channel yellow and its conflicting child yellow (channel
marked with a red border) if the Yellow is terminating a flashing Yellow arrow display. With FYA
Enable set to yes, any channel check box with a green or yellow border for a child channel will have
the appropriate display (Green or Yellow) of the child channel monitored for a flashing condition. A
flashing input is defined as an input that stays ON for at least 200 milliseconds and no longer than 600
milliseconds and is OFF for at least 200 milliseconds and no longer than 600 milliseconds. If the
input does not flash (stays on solid) the monitor will create a conflict with the conflicting child
(channel marked with a red border) even though the two channels are usually jumpered as permissive.
Red Fail Monitoring
: Normal red fail testing ensures that at least one display is active for a channel.
With this feature active, any channel with a checked box with a green or yellow border for a child
channel will have the appropriate display (Green or Yellow) of the child channel included when
checking for a red fail of the parent channel.
Dual Indication Monitoring
: Normal dual indication testing ensures that only one display for a
channel is active at a time. With FYA Enable set to yes, any channel with a child with a green or
yellow border will have the appropriate display (Green or Yellow) of the child channel included when
checking for a dual indication.
Short Yellow Monitoring
: When Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Left Turns are enabled and a channel
has an FYA setting with a green or yellow border for one of its child channels, then the Yellow of the
parent channel will be used for terminating the Yellow or Green of the child channel and will be
checked for short yellow and skipped yellow.
Short Clearance Monitoring
: When Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Left Turns are enabled and a
channel has an FYA setting with a green or yellow border for one of its child channels, then that child
will be checked for short clearance.
Typical Use
See Application Note AN-005 for detailed examples of this feature.
The intended field wiring
connections for this feature are the Red, Yellow, and Green arrows connected to the parent channel and the
flashing Yellow arrow connected to the Green or Yellow of the permissive child channel. If channel 1 is the
protected left turn and will have an FYA display driven by the channel 9 green and the yellow of channel 1 will be
ON at the same time as the yellow of channel 2 to terminate a flashing yellow arrow, the configuration would be:
FYA Enable should be ON, Channel 1 will have childs of channel 2 and channel 9, FYA 1-4 Uses Yellow should
be OFF, FYA 5-18 Uses Yellow should be OFF, and FYA Ignore Yellow Conflict should be ON.
Care should be taken to insure that the possible phase sequencing does not allow the flashing Yellow arrow to
terminate while its opposing through is still green. Be sure to check pre-emption sequencing as well.
The setting of the +24VDC Enhanced Monitoring Enable (Option Switch 3 – 24V ENH) DIP
switch determines if this feature is active. This feature allows for over voltage monitoring and ripple voltage
monitoring. The testing default for this feature should be disabled.